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Alam Ara (1931)

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Alam Ara  was the first Indian sound film  it was released in March 14, 1931 ans directed by Ardeshir Irani.
This film very effectively broke the golden silent era and laid a milestone that marked the steeping into the new talkie era as well as rang the death knell to silent films.
Irani recognised the importance that sound would have on the cinema, and raced to complete Alam Ara before several contemporary sound films. Alam Ara debuted at the Majestic Cinema in Mumbai  (then Bombay) on 14 March 1931. The first Indian talkie was so popular that "police aid had to be summoned to control the crowds.

1 comment:

  1. this film was based on love, directer of this film was think that expression can't be present without sound and he made 1st film with sound..........


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